You've got questions and we've got answers.

Q: Why online learning?

A: Australia's a big country and we're a small team! Online learning allows us to reach as many people as possible across the country (and the globe) and compliments on-the-ground activities.

The WeedSmart Learning Hub gives you ongoing access to resources. If you take a class in the real world and need a refresher, you'd better hope you took good notes! With online learning, you can access course material from any place (that has an internet connection) at any time. You set your own schedule. You can study from your desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet.

Online learning gives us the opportunity to bring you the very best instruction from global experts. We eliminate travel expenses, registration costs, and other expenses associated with workshops and in-person meetings. Win win.

Q: Are your courses really free?

A: Yes - free forever and always! Thanks to WeedSmart's generous sponsors, all of the content and courses we provide on the WeedSmart Learning Hub are free for you to sign up and use.

Q: What's a "live course"?

A: Running a course "live" means that content is released week-by-week over 4-6 weeks. You'll go through the course content at the same time as everyone else in the country/world. We'll also send you weekly emails with details of the upcoming week's course material (to keep you on track).

It doesn't mean that you need to be at your computer at a set time.

Why run the course live? Simple really... human nature! Since it's easy to put things off until we have to do them (which can easily turn into never ever), we run live rounds once or twice a year to give you a friendly little push to get things done.

Q: What does "open for DIY" mean?

A: After the live round, we'll reopen the virtual doors to the member's area for people who'd like to go through the course material at their own pace.

The major differences to the live round are that there's no Q&A Forum and no webinars. You will still receive weekly emails for 4 weeks for extra accountability and support if you need it. 

Q: Is the course material available after the live round?

A: Yes! The course material will never disappear (unless we decide to improve and upgrade it. If we do, we'll always give you plenty of notice!). You'll always have access to the videos, audio recordings, worksheets, and presentation slides (until something better than the internet comes along).

Q: Do I have to sign up at a particular time?

A: If you want to take part in our live round (see explanation above) then you need to sign up by the set closing date.

We'll reopen the virtual doors for DIY about a month after the live round finishes (see explanation above).

Is there something we haven't covered?